FALL 2020 ALBANY BULB EVENT SERIES November 11 • 2020

11 11
20 20
ns day
About Caution
The existence and nature of generally unnoticed sinister forces which sap/disrupt/distract/redirect creative energy. The nature of these forces possibly includes all of: political, social, supernatural, and the basic characteristics of reality. The performance is an acknowledgement of, a representation of, and a resistance to these forces.

Dress Code
It can get chilly out at the bulb. Bring layers
& sunscreen
AND Wear comfortable shoes!
Box Office
All events are free although some require registration. Donations are welcome.
Free parking is available on site
however space is limited.
Practice Social Distance
Help saves lives and the economy!
Support the Bulb Series
HELP make it happen! Your donations in any amount to the series will support honoraria to artists and production and administration costs.
Click below to access the Acceptiva site.
And be sure in the note field to mention "Albany Bulb Event Series."
Thank you!